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mmWave prototyping webinar

The high cost of mmWave instruments and the difficulty in obtaining them are a barrier to mmWave research. The TMYTEK Rapid mmWave Prototyping Solution together with NI USRP platform, covers wireless communication prototyping to enable 5G/B5G and 6G leading research topics including MIMO, communication and sensing, wireless AI, mmWave beamforming, Reflective Intelligent Surface (RIS) and much more.

In this webinar, from 10 to 11 AM (CET) on February 9th, learn how to enable NI SDR or Ettus USRP X410 Sub-6 GHz radio platform mmWave capability, which has been intensively tested for system compatibility and performance.

Specific topics include:
  • TMYTEK mmWave platform features based on SDR/X410
  • How to do beam steering, transmit and analyze 5G NR mmWave
  • Case studies for mmWave antenna design and tracking algorithm validation
You can view this webinar from your computer, tablet or mobile phone.
Presentation by
William Baars (CNRood) and
Vincent Lee (TMYTEK)

February 9

​​​​​​​10 to 11 hrs CET

1 hour

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